[Experience 2019.09] HOPE 1000 Riding Experience: Dominic M. from Switzerland

[Experience 2019.09] HOPE 1000 Riding Experience: Dominic M. from Switzerland

Posted by: Brian Hsia Post: 08/09/2019 View: 2789 Comments: 0

2019 HOPE 1000 riding experience. Photos shared by the customer Dominic M. from Switzerland. 


Dominic said:

I ordered these rims after a nice and competent chat with NEXTIE. After purchasing the rims, they were sent very fast and reached my house within some days. First time holding the rims in hand I was very impressed about the look, the feel and the width of the rims. The wheels were build by myself, without any problems. Hubs are 350ies from DT SWISS as well as Spokes and Nipples. Riding these big wheels is a huge pleasure. Of course, they are over all heavier, but the fun and the security the serve is great.

I can recommend to anyone these rims looking for Plus wheels. A big THANK YOU to the NEXTIE team.

PS: That was my second purchase at NEXTIE... And most probably not the last!


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