ASTM Classification F2043 for Bicycle Rims

ASTM Classification F2043 for Bicycle Rims

Posted by: NEXTIE Post: 09/09/2024 View: 981 Comments: 2

ASTM classification of bicycle wheels was developed by ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials), an international standards organization. Wheels classified by ASTM are assigned a number from 1 to 5, and is defined in ASTM F2043-13 "Standard Classification for Bicycle Usage", which determines the intended use of the wheel.

According to this classification system, all wheel products of NEXTIE are classified into five categories from riding on paved roads to downhill and freeride riding. Each product page shows the number of its ASTM classification.

ConditionDescriptionReference Model
This is a set of conditions for the operation of a bicycle on a regular paved surface where the tires are intended to maintain ground contact.
Level of riding skills: The level of riding skills depends on the specific usage conditions – City & Urban bicycles require no specific skills, while sporty road bikes require more technical skills and practice.
Drops are intended to be limited to 15cm (6") or less.
This is a set of conditions for the operation of a bicycle that includes Condition 1 as well as unpaved and gravel roads and trails with moderate grades. In this set of conditions, contact with irregular terrain and loss of tire contact with the ground may occur.
Level of riding skills: The level of riding skills depends on the specific usage conditions – City & Urban bicycles require no specific skills, while sporty road bikes require more technical skills and practice.
Drops are intended to be limited to 15cm (6") or less.
Gravel CGX, AGX
Disc Wheels
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle that includes Condition 1 and Condition 2 as well as rough trails, rough unpaved roads, and rough terrain and unimproved trails that require technical skills.
Level of riding skills: The usage conditions require technical skills and practice
Jumps and drops are intended to be less than 61cm (24").
Omega 36U, MTB Wave Models
MTB 6-Spoke
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle that includes Conditions 1, 2, and 3, or downhill grades on rough trails at speeds less than 40 km/h (25 mph), or both.
Level of riding skills: It is a sportive and competitive ride type with high jumps and on very rocky terrain. Control, technical skills and practice are a must.
Jumps are intended to be less than 122cm (48").
Xiphias 65, Omega 36
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle that includes Conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4; extreme jumping; or downhill grades on rough trails at speeds in excess of 40 km/h (25 mph); or a combination thereof.
Level of riding skills: Enduro and Downhill are extreme sports, so it is recommended for cyclists to have a high level of technical skills, practice, and riding control.
Jumps are intended to be more than 122cm (48").
Xiphias 105, Wild Dragon 90
Omega 40

Tags: ASTM Classification


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